At Clifton Chiropractic Clinic we are mindful that there are many communities in Bristol less fortunate than we are here in Clifton. The Sisters of the Church begin in the early 1990’s when four Sisters from our Community moved to Ashley Road and have had a presence here ever since. As part of their lives of prayer and active service, Sisters began giving out small food parcels to about 12 people who came for food each week. However, this soon grew and for many years now we expect to see around 250-300 people a week in all types of need. Our callers come for food and companionship. Poverty in the UK is a disturbing reality we see every day. In the Gospel of John 6:1-14 Jesus took a boy’s offering of ‘five small barley loaves and two small fish’ and fed the five thousand. Together with our wonderful volunteers, we are the channels of countless people’s kind and generous donations which is why we have named the ministry ‘The Five Loaves and Two Fishes Project’.
We offer a food parcel to anyone who calls asking for one. We judge no one, we ask no questions except their name. Anyone and everyone is welcome. No justification is needed. Our only restriction is that one parcel is given per person, per week. The food bag usually contains: Tinned meat or fish, vegetables, baked beans, soup, custard, fruit. We also include a carton of milk, cereal, tea bags and a packet of pasta or rice. We stress usually, as there are times we run out of specific items. They also can help and support with Family holidays, children’s days out, pastoral care and prayer.
At Clifton Chiropractic Clinic we donate £1 from every chiropractic treatment to help the Sisters of the Church. If you would like to know more about this charity please go to their website www.bristol.sistersofthechurch.org/loaves-fishes-ministry